What is Transaction Hash? Transaction Hash Explained.

Last Updated on October 24, 2023

A Transaction Hash, often termed a “TXID” (Transaction ID), is a unique alphanumeric string generated by cryptographic hashing of transaction details within a blockchain. This hash serves as a distinct identifier for the transaction, allowing users and entities to trace, verify, and reference the transaction in the blockchain ledger. It ensures both the integrity of transaction data and provides a means for quickly locating specific transactions within the vast blockchain database.


How is a Transaction Hash generated?

A Transaction Hash is created by running the details of the transaction, including inputs, outputs, amount, and other pertinent data, through a cryptographic hash function specific to the blockchain it belongs to. For instance, Bitcoin uses the SHA-256 hash function. This function outputs the unique hash that identifies the transaction.

Why is the Transaction Hash important for blockchain security?

The hash verifies the integrity and authenticity of transaction data. If even a tiny detail of the transaction changes, the hash would change dramatically. This makes it virtually impossible to alter a transaction without detection, as the altered transaction would produce a different hash.

How can I use a Transaction Hash?

Users can input the Transaction Hash into a blockchain explorer—a search engine for browsing blockchain transactions—to view the details of a specific transaction. This is especially useful for confirming the status of transactions, like checking if funds have been transferred or received.

Can two different transactions have the same Transaction Hash?

In theory, distinct transactions having the same hash is an occurrence called a “collision.” However, given the cryptographic strength of modern hashing algorithms used in popular blockchains, such collisions are incredibly improbable. In practical terms, each Transaction Hash is unique.

What’s the difference between a Transaction Hash and a Block Hash?

A Transaction Hash identifies a single transaction within the blockchain, while a Block Hash identifies an entire block of transactions. When a block is created, all its contained transactions and their details are used to generate the Block Hash. This Block Hash then becomes part of the next block, linking them in the chain.

Author of This Article:

Rahul Bhatia

Rahul Bhatia

Rahul Bhatia

Rahul Bhatia

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