What is Fibonacci Betting System? Fibonacci Betting System Explained.

Last Updated on October 10, 2023

The Fibonacci Betting System is based on the Fibonacci sequence, a renowned series of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two preceding ones, starting from 0 and 1. This system is applied in gambling, primarily in games like roulette and blackjack. The principle behind it is simple: after a loss, the player should increase their next bet according to the Fibonacci sequence, and after a win, move back two numbers in the sequence.

The initial numbers in the Fibonacci sequence are: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and so on.

For betting:

  • Starting with a bet of $1 (ignoring the 0 in the sequence) and a loss, the next bet remains $1.
  • Another loss would increase the next bet to $2.
  • If this bet is also lost, the following bet is $3.
  • A win at this point would move the bet amount back two numbers in the sequence, making the next bet $1 again.


Why do some gamblers prefer the Fibonacci Betting System?

The appeal of the Fibonacci Betting System lies in its structured approach, which theoretically covers the accumulated losses with a few wins. The idea is to recover previous losses when a bet finally wins.

Does the Fibonacci Betting System guarantee a profit?

No system, including the Fibonacci, can guarantee consistent profits, especially in games with a house edge. While the system might help in the short term, there’s always a risk of significant losses during extended losing streaks, especially as bets increase.

How does the Fibonacci system differ from the Martingale system?

Both systems involve increasing bets after losses. However, while the Martingale advises players to double their bets after every loss, the Fibonacci system follows its sequence. The Fibonacci’s increase in bets is more gradual, which can mean slower losses but also slower wins.

Are there any downsides to using the Fibonacci Betting System?

One major downside is that a long streak of losses can result in very high bets, risking a significant portion of the player’s bankroll. There’s also no strategy that can overcome the house edge in casino games.

Where did the Fibonacci sequence originate?

The Fibonacci sequence was introduced to the West in “Liber Abaci,” a book written by Leonardo of Pisa in the 13th century. However, the sequence had been previously described in Indian mathematics.

Author of This Article:

Rahul Bhatia

Rahul Bhatia

Rahul Bhatia

Rahul Bhatia

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